Building Trust in Your Body: ACCOUNTABILITY

Accountability: saying IM sorry, owning mistakes, and making amends when needed.

Let’s talk about taking accountability with our bodies: saying I AM SORRY and making amends.

If you have ever heard yourself say (or think) “my body hates me” there is a window presenting itself to see our mistakes, and say I’m sorry.

When we feel attacked by our body it’s because we need to take accountability but our not quiet ready, or aware, of the responsibility we owe our bodies. Some ways our bodies “attack us” could include

🌱 physical illness

🌱 injuries

🌱 exhaustion

🌱 poor or hindered interpersonal relationships

🌱 mental health struggles: depression, anxiety, Ext.

When you are able to move past the attack, to recognize the need to say I am sorry, then you are able to make amends, moving closer to a trusting partnership with your body.

There are many many ways to make amends with our bodies

🌱 seek medical attention: primary care, obgyn, psychiatric, dental

🌱 go to therapy

🌱 get a message

🌱 rest, sleep, relax

🌱 fuel your body: honor those hunger cues

🌱 exercise in a fun, body loving, way. Movement.

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