Trauma Therapy

I want to first take the time to say I AM SORRY and this is NOT YOUR FAULT. Please know that I approach all therapy from a trauma-informed lens and will walk this vulnerable, taxing, journey with you at YOUR pace. I will create a space that guides you into healing with your leadership and control.

Am I Really Experiencing Trauma Symptoms?

> Hyperalert senses – everything is too loud, too bright, too fast

> nightmares about being hurt by people you trust

> you can never take enough showers, and perpetually feel dirty

> quick to anger or to shut down

> fearful of engaging in interpersonal relationships, romantic or not

> being confused about where you are from time to time, feeling as though you’ve teleported back to terrifying experiences

> and so so much more!

What Happened To Me Was Not As Bad As What Happened To Them!

I hear this statement daily. It is often said as a way to protect yourself, your brain, and your body, from truly accepting your experience. Trauma is not always an SVU episode. It is NOT measured by the level of violence or amount of time.

Trauma is created by ANY experience you have without having the tools, maturity, or mental capacity to handle or process at the time it occurs.

How Can You Really Help Me?

Healing from trauma is near and dear to my heart and life, personally and professionally. Not only do I have experience in my own healing journey but I also have training in many trauma therapy techniques.

When we work together, my first priority is to create space where you feel safe and secure to be honest with all your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. A place where all the parts of you, your mind, your body, your emotions, and your experiences can exist together.

From there we will build a tool box of resources you can use to address how your symptoms are presenting and impacting your current life. If this includes eating disorder, self-harm, or substance use, we will address those here, too.

Once you feel grounded, in more control of your present life, and empowered to share your story we will work together to create a new narrative of your experience and how that interplay’s in your life story. You need to know that your emotions surrounding your experiences are valid, and the ways you coped where protective of you. It is also imperative to know that they do not have to continue to define your character, impact your relationships, or force you along an undesirable life path.

Everyone has a different experience and different set of resources available to them. There is no one-size-fits-all path to overcoming trauma and I will not pretend (or practice) as though there is.